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Anne Hill Blanchard Uncommon Artists Lecture Series

The Anne Hill Blanchard Uncommon Artists Lecture Series highlights new and important contributions in the field of self-taught art and art brut. It takes place annually during the Outsider Art Fair in New York. The series honors the late Anne Hill Blanchard, an inspiring and passionate leader in the field and a devoted supporter of the American Folk Art Museum.

Past lectures have included:


Watch it here.

Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro on José Antonio da Silva
Kiki Mazzucchelli on Hélio Melio
Miguel A. López on Rosa Elena Curruchich


Watch it here.

Natalie Dupêcher on Janet Sobel
Ciarán Finlayson on Curtis Cuffie
Wulan Dirgantoro on I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih


Heritage As a Tool for Innovation and Resistance

Jason Young on David Drake
Philip Deloria on Mary Sully
Tímea Junghaus on Ceija Stojka



Valerie Cassel Oliver on Sister Gertrude Morgan
Jennifer Jane Marshall on William Edmondson
Esther Adler on Joseph Yoakum


“Metamorphosis and Transformation”

Nicole R. Fleetwood on carceral aesthetics and Russell Craig
Erin O’Toole on April Dawn Alison
Elaine Y. Yau on Rosie Lee Tompkins

Raphael Koenig on Yuichiro Ukai
Diana Seave Greenwald on James Castle
Jonathan Frederick Walz on Eddie Owens Martin (St. EOM)

Kristin Otto on fantasy coffins (abebuu adekai)
Silvia Forni on Asafo flags
Ernie Wolfe on hand-painted movie posters from Ghana


Barbara Paca on Antiguan artist Frank Walter
Nancy Josephson on Haitian artist Myrlande Constant and Haitian Vodou flags
Jacqueline Bishop on Jamaican artist Kemel Rankine


Anne Monahan on Horace Pippin
Laura Steward on Jerry Gretzinger
Helga Christoffersen on Hilma af Klimt


“Spiritual Technology: Self Taught Artists Consider the Cosmos”
Daniel Wojcik on Ionel Talpazan
Douglas Walla on Paul Laffoley
Misha Bittleston on his artwork


“Emery Blagdon and His Healing Machine”
Presentations by Kelly Rush and John Yau


“Henry Darger: 40 Years Later”
Presentations by Michael Bonesteel, James Brett, Jim Elledge, and Jane Kallir


Edward Puchner on Minnie Evans
Lyle Rexner on Gayleen Aiken
Cara Zimmerman on George Widener
Jenny Moore on Rosemarie Trockel


Carol Crown on Howard Finster
Charles Russell on Aloise Corbaz and Morris Hirshfield
Jane Kallir on Henry Darger


Laura Gitlen on Michael Patterson-Carver
Brett Littman on Eugene Von Bruenchenhein
Kendall Messick on Gordon Brinckle
Tom Whitehead on Clementine Hunter


Shari Cavin on Timothy Wehrle
Scott Ogden on George Widener
Jarrett Gregory on Dorothy Lannone
Esther Adler on self-taught artists and the Museum of Modern Art


Event photos by Christine Wise and Elena Bernstein.
