The Museum Career Internship Program provides paid internships to LaGuardia Community College students interested in pursuing careers in the arts, and was created to foster diversity and inclusion in the museum field.
Youth Art Connection participants explore folk and self-taught art and learn about careers in the arts through a variety of engaging activities.
The Teen Leader Program brings high school students together with artists, curators, and educators to discuss art critically and think creatively.
Inquiry-based programs explore the work of folk and self-taught artists to deepen and enrich classroom learning and to foster critical thinking.
Developed with educators and students, the Museum’s free curriculum resources and exploration guides help teachers bring folk art into the classroom.
"M.M." Hooked Rug
Artist unidentified
The Museum offers a variety of internships for college and university students, graduate students, and emerging professionals interested in museum careers.
Collaborative sessions between the Museum’s Learning and Engagement department and schools combine exhibition-based programs with specialized classroom visits.
Eugene von Bruenchenhein (1910–1983)